Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Exercise 4 - Map Making

100 Points

Due 9/18

Maps have been a source of information for thousands of years.  Map making is the "world making" on a flat two dimensional surface.  The map maker is more than merely providing information, but as a designer, laying out the lines and objects that will recreate a world for viewers.

Below are two examples of maps made in Adobe Illustrator:

1.  Reid Park Zoo

2.  British Road Map by Designer Chris Spooner (The Monster guy)

Your assignment is to make a map in Adobe Illustrator.

Your map must include the following:  A title, at least 3 buildings (or structures), some text in a box, more than a couple colors giving the map life.  

Here are some ideas if you cannot think of anything...
1.  Washington D.C. National Mall (Between the Washington Monument and Capitol Building)
2.  Teotihicuan, Mexico
3.  Tucson High School 
4.  Tatooine (City of Mos Eisley)
5.  Park Place Mall

Layers, shape drawing, fill/stroke, text

Turn in the file as period#_lastname_firstname_4x