Thursday, February 19, 2015

Exercise 11 - Garageband loop mix

25 Points
Submit an MP3 15seconds max!

Your teacher will come around and give you 10 points for a cleaned up computer.  All files you need in the Documents folder and all files cleaned off of the Desktop/Download folder.

Your teacher will also give you 10 points for updating your "website".

You will experiment with Garageband to make your own 15 second MP3 music.

 Step 1:  Open Garageband.  Choose any of the projects but I will show you how to do "Hip Hop" choice.
 Step 2:  Look at the loops available (highlighted) and you will drag them on to the big black area in the middle.  But you have to go to the bottom of the group of tracks listed on the left.

 Step 3:  See how I dragged a loop over but I had to scroll down on the tracks so that it would work.  Now just start layering tracks. Have fun.
Step 4:  When I am done, go to Share > Export Song to Disk     
Step 5:  Be sure you give it the name of Period#_last_first_11x, choose MP3 as the format and remember where you saved it.  Put the MP3 into the Mr. Komar Dropbox.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Exercise 10 - Paper Toy Design

100 Points
Due February 17

Your job is to make a PAPER TOY using Adobe Illustrator (or Photoshop) or a combination.

Use Google to find more templates and search for "paper toy fold out templates for illustrator"

Here is an example of a good one if you feel like just a box:

Try making a self portrait, or a toy for a niece or nephew, or maybe something for your valentine!

1.  Find a template you like.  
2.  Save to your computer.
3.  Open template in Illustrator and draw away.  Use Photoshop if you want to bring in photos of other creatures.

If you want to make something using this template, here is how
1.  Go to and see examples and how to fold it up when you are done drawing.
3.  Open ZIP file and open the .AI file (the Adobe Illustrator File)

Submit your final paper cutout as a PDF and name it period#_lastname_firstname_10x

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Exercise 9 : Haida / Zuni Tracing

Exercise 9
100 Points
Due 2/11
Native Art – Vector, Geometry and Symbol

In Adobe Illustrator make 2 drawings on one page.  Choose one design from each of the following 3 groups and copy it as accurately as possible.  For Extra Credit make your own design based on an animal of your choice.

1.  Choose a Haida design to copy.  Use the pen tool to trace the outlines and close your shapes to fill with color.  OR YOU CAN GO LOOK UP HAIDA / TLINGIT DESIGNS ON THE WEB TO PICK YOUR OWN TO COPY.

2.  Choose a Zuni pot design and try to copy a piece of the pattern and repeat it across the page.

EXTRA CREDIT:  Make your own design for the 3RD drawing -- using what ever style you want.  If you want to make your own in a Haida influence, or your own rug design, or your own pottery motif -- be creative!


Haida / Tlingit Images

Zuni Pottery Designs


Further reading 

Haida and Tlingit


Exercise 8 - Return to Illustrator : Video Game for Pen Tool Practice

We are going to return to Adobe Illustrator.

To prepare for some of the upcoming exercises.  Let us review how to use the Pen tool in Illustrator.

First, go make a landscape (you did this before) and then go try to save Weber!

2 Parts:
Part 1 -
25 Points
Redo "Landscape" Tutorial (remember this one?)
Show the final picture to Teacher for 25 Points


Exercise 1: Land

Part 2 - 
25 Points
Due End of Class (2/3 - per. 2, 4 and 2/4 - per. 1, 5, 7)
Show the Teacher you completed for 25 Points.