Sunday, November 2, 2014

Exercise 14 - Architecture Competition: Redesign THMS Courtyard

Due November 7

100 Points

You have been chosen to design a new courtyard for Tucson High School.  

 2014 Winning Entry 2013 Winning Entry

The school is in need of a new landscape to be created inside the property between the school buildings.  You must come up with a design that not only creates a more welcoming space for students, faculty and staff but one that pleasingly displays the natural beauty Tucson has to offer.  

Your design can include art works, fountains, flora, (animals?), and anything else you think the school needs to elevate the experience of going to school.  Your design might include areas for students to find peace and quiet, areas to congregate, and areas that tie into the natural surrounding (or at least try).  You are also encouraged to design a space that the neighborhood might be able to also enjoy when school is not in session.

Assignment:  You will use photographs provided in the class Shared Folder as a basis for your designs.  Use Photoshop to ACCURATELY show what you imagine the courtyard could become.

You must have:
1.   Use Photoshop to create your design.  (However, you could use Sketchup or Illustrator to design / draw part of your work.)

2.  Save the file as period#_lastname_firstname_14x

The top 3 entries will be printed out for all classes to see.

Good Luck!

To see great interior courtyards from a Mexican modernist, Luis Barragan:

To see modern architecture and how projects use Photoshop to present their designs:

To see a local modern architect projects:

To see a great Landscape architect, Peter Hargraves, visit: